We have been professionals in the world of the intellectual property for generations.
D’Agostini Group® stands out for quick replyes as well the comprehensiveness, its ability to synthesize, its coordinate team work and the careful study of each single subject. Everything is always analysed in details. A steady faithfull updating about international issues, together with very precise evaluations, that are particularly accurate in considering the costs and benefits of every single operation, now, are recognized as our main endowments at an international level.
D’Agostini Group® was born at the beginning of the 80s as department of the D’Agostini Organization, a reality that had been internationally well-known for a long time. They share not only the name, but also significant and tight continuous forms of collaborations.
The first office was based in Treviso, right at the heart of the North-East industrial culture, and was later followed by an office in Vicenza, a town which is strongly oriented to the export, and others, including Rome where UIBM (the national Patent and Trademark Office) has it’s own site.
D’Agostini Group® is nowadays present also in Alicante, Spain, where there is the central office of the EUIPO, the European Office delegate about the registration of trademarks and designs in the territory of Community. Not least, it is significant our presence in Munich (Germany), where the European Patent Office is operative and in the same time nominee by UE as thematic cluster both with London in the procedure before Unified Patent Court in connection with the Unitary patent.
Our personnel and all our assistants, both those who work within the company or the freelance ones, are highly qualified and organised in several competence areas, as to ensure faster the utmost satisfaction of our clients.
We operate not only in Europe but also in the East and in Northern America, where colleagues and assistants all of these of great professional ability contribute quickly to the quality of the services we offer.
We are Italian as well as European and Community attorneys, and can therefore take care about the applications and to follow the different procedures in European, International patents (PCT), trademarks, Community and international designs and trademarks, as well as to provide a targeted IP forms in all countries.
In the legal field, D’AGOSTINILEGAL operates as a division within D’Agostini Group® by using established professionals and experts in I.P. litigation, able to provide any assistance necessary in legal disputes and in the contract matter in any country (www.dagostinilegal.it).
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