Changes to European Trademark Legislation

From 23 March 2016: a) changes to fees and the abolition of the single fixed fee for three classes; b) additional declaration to keep the product and service list for the EU trademark up-to-date; and c) cancellation and invalidity actions will no longer be brought before a court, but through the national trademark office. New…

Customs yet

From January 1, 2014, the EU Regulation 608/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2013 on the protection of intellectual property rights Subject to action pursuant to Regulation no. 608, are: a) the goods declared for release for free circulation, export or re-export ; b) goods entering or leaving the…

Customs enforcement

Customs action within EU in relation to infringing goods Customs will be able to maintain the detention of goods suspected of being counterfeit or violate other intellectual property rights only for a period of 10 working days, subject to extension for an additional 10 days, within which the holder of the right of trademarks, patent…

D’Agostini Legal

Legal division of D’Agostini Group Intellectual & Industrial property – patents – trademark – unfair competition – company law

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